Meet Kim, Shane, Hannah and Austin
So this was the first of it's kind for me. Kind of a "hybrid" shoot if you will. In that I mean this was a family and a Getting to know you session combined into one. What a blast! Not only was it a gorgeous day down at Harkness Memorial Park, but these guys were awesome and so much fun too! It was fun being able to goof off with Hannah and Austin for a few rounds and act like the fifteen year old I really am then turn it on when it was time to get serious for Shane and Kim. How hot are they!!!
Thanks for a great time, can't wait for the wedding!
Next up: Rachel and Kevin's ridiculously hot Getting to know you session in New Haven.
Loving the purple theme they went with.C'mon seriously? How PHlipping cute are they!
A little mom and dad time:)
This shot was taken on top of a seven foot high wall. It looked allot more dangerous than it was so the kids were a little nervous. I told them we were going to do a Spider-Man shoot. I think they rocked it!
Super hot Kim!
You just have to love the genuine smile on a child's face. There is nothing more beautiful.
A little family surf.
One of my faves of the day below!
What an awesome day, thanks again guys!